Scope of Architecture
Architecture is an art of organizing the space not only functionally but beautifully. To me the Scope of Architecture is the entire built environment. It includes the designing of a whole city or its subdivisions. The scope of Architecture primarily lies in the parts explained under-
- Site Planning
- Building Design
(A) Site Planning -:
Site Planning deals with the basic layout of the site, its functional approach and correct orientation. In simple words, site planning is studying compatibility at the site level. It is broadly classified in further six parts –
1. Zoning:-
Zoning is nothing but the segregation of various zones from each other. It is very essential to perform zoning before starting the actual problem. Usually, zoning is carried out as residential zone, commercial zone, recreational zone, private zone, public zone, service zone, etc.
2. Circulation:-
Usually, road, pedestrian circulation along with the parking is studied at the site level. All this circulation is carried out on site outside the constructed area.
3. Orientation:-
It is very essential to orient the property in an adequate manner. It is essential on the technical level. North mark is set on the site in order to get the cluster in proper orientation depending upon the sun’s orientation and climatic conditions of that place. Some of the best orientations are-
Bedroom – South East
Drawing Room – North
Living Room – South & South East
Kitchen – East
Toilets – West
In case of a composite climate, west sun is avoided to maximum extent and if possible, only dead parts of a building are placed on west.
4 Mass-Space Relationships:-
It is very essential to obtain the mass space relationship in order to set the height of the building. Basically, it is a relationship of the height of building to the width of the road i.e. width of the road should be 2/3rd of the height of the building.
5. Landscaping:-
Landscaping makes the site look more professional. Landscaping can be done using various features like green spaces, water bodies, land forms, street furniture.
- Green Spaces – These include all the plants and shrubs used.
- Water bodies – It constitutes of rivers, lakes, ponds, fountains, water falls present on the site or surrounding the site.
- Land Forms – Mounds, flat lands or contours constitute the land forms
- Street Furniture- Can vary poles, benches, kiosks or sheltered places.
6. Services:-
This part of site planning covers the various facilities as drainage, water supply, sewage system, electrical communication.
(B) Building Design -:
The designing of the exact structure comes under building design. It is sub-divided into six parts-
1. Building Types:-
Under this heading we need to specify the type of building, whether it is residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.
2. Internal Zoning:-
It is basically the functional relationship between the horizontal and vertical level. The zoning of interiors of a building is done by demarcating the public zones from private and service zones.
3. Internal Circulation;-
It is very important to keep in mind the placements of various components of circulation and their sizes while designing. Internal circulation is carried out in 2 levels-
Horizontal Circulation: It includes the features like corridors, lobby, veranda, porch, and balcony.
Vertical Circulation: It includes stair cases, ramps, elevators and elevators.
4. Building Materials:-
Selection of materials for each component has to be done after analyzing the usage and climatic conditions. Usually it depends upon the function of the space.
- Floor – terrazzo, marble, fiberboards, floor mats, wooden battens, etc.
- Wall – brick, stone, concrete blocks, wooden battens, etc.
- Roof – R.C.C, R.B.C, wood, slates, tiles, steel truss.
5. Furniture Layout:-
While designing a structure, its furniture setting should also be kept in mind. There is need to study the placement of furniture components, sizes and clearances between different components.
6. Architectural Expression:-
It is by the virtue of its form, structure or materials used on its external facade. For an instance, by seeing a cross plan it defines a church.
These all factors caters to the scope of architecture.
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does anyone know about the scope of architecture in other countries such as Australia and England?
is really an architecture feild has a confirmed job
If you work well or you have a good portfolio, you will definitely be rewarded with a good job.
it was a good one ……………m a new student of arch and didn’t had enough knowledge……..i wld be definitely benefited by it
im first year student of b.arch just cleared my first sem exam ijust think abt my future should i continue to my studies of b .arch becoz i have heard such that there are no placement of archi students such as b.tech students have
You should definitely continue with your degree as its just ur 1st year and you have 4 more yrs to think abt ur job… Archi is such a line in which you can easily get placement anywhere anytime…
i have just gave my 12 board exam n i m thinking of taking architecture as my career i m going to give b.arch aieee test and nata test so what are the material like books or online test series should i go through to prepare for the archi test
Your decision for taking up Architecture as a career is very good… As per nata test, you should have basic knowledge about drawings, lines, light n shadow…. algebra n all…. general physics fundas….. n prefer to buy a book for nata test… there u can check sample test papers aswell…..
I wish u good luck….
hey i m aspiring to be an architect . i have just given my 10th exams. but i have heard from many people that at present it doesnt have much scope. But what is your take on this and please tell me about the entrance exams. also can nid be joined after bachelor degree in architecture?
There is a lot of scope in this field but it only depends upon you how you carry with practice. At present NATA test is must for the entrance to any architecture college. Its a very simple test and a lot stuff is available on net regarding the same. Sorry, i have no idea about nid..
thanx for replyin…neway as i live in mumbai wich classes should be joined for the nata exams?and are cet and aieee exams to be given besides nata?
I am not from Mumbai so i can’t comment about the classes but i would suggest you to take up for aieee exam definitely as you can open up your opportunity for some good college which go with aieee…
The best forum so far
Thanks a lot for your kind words.
i always wished to make the sky creepers but it was just a dream but now situations have come up like this that i am choosing arch i am imaginative but my relatives are telling its not have job opportunity
and requires contacts i have no contact and belong to a middle class family my rank in barch 2010 is 1105 .is it possible that i can make tall buildings or should i try for btech in any other college
I think you are very much keen to do architecture. If that is the case then you should definitely go for it. Once you are into the line, you can easily make links to people. It all depends upon you how you take your steps towards your success. Best of luck.
I want to take architecture, have any future in this filed.
I am an architecture student.
I wuold like to know the answer of the following:
Q.Sketch various methods of defining a space using architectural elements and List down the basic elements of Architecture.
Please hel pme on this since I need this to include in my assignment.
hello, i’m entering 12th grade and an aspiring architect. i’ve heard that b.arch is a difficult course and that it doesnt have much scope. this is really degrading me. pls help me regain my confidence. also , i wanna know abt pay. thank you
Thanks for browsing my site.
B.Arch is a very creative and interesting course but i admit it requires a bit of hardwork. In any case it is not that difficult as you are thinking of.
Moreover, it has a lot of scope and bright future prospects…
Good luck…
i am architecture student done my 2nd year n because of some problem i have to take drop of 1 year
i want to know does drop will really make any bad effect on my future career?
I guess it won’t…. Thats my point of view…
i am third year civil eng.student but now am specializing in architecture .i hope we will creat a better world.
one of my relative have done arcitecture couse throuch an aieee collage n unable to find a job ……….. so does it conclude that arcitecture do not have a bright career …………………… or does it have …………… i need help to know about it …………. plkz try to help me
Architecture is such a stream where future is always bright… Every needs an architect to develop its infrastructure and India where we know the cities are still on a track of development, the future is much more brighter…
I think your relative should try to put his/her resume on naukri.com where they distribute your CV to firms having vacancy and you get a call from them directly… Its just that a bit of hard work is needed and thats it…
really nice blog… i am also seeing forward to go for b.arch as my career… what do u think that is tish field good for grls as well
Thanks for your kind words… Architecture is a very good career to pursue with no discrimination among boys and girls or age and caste… You should surely opt for it and best of luck for future.
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This way you will be updated as soon I post anything new on site.
thanks for the reply….. its really helping…. i wana ask one thing mre that spa bhopal r mnit for architecture….
i am a student of 2nd puc science..and i am planning to take up architecture .i want to know is there scope in architecture and are they payed properly ..can u tell me the salary of an architect?????
hi..i am in 12th ..my ambition is to become an architect..is there scope in architecture…many people are telling me not to take p becaouse architects are not payed well is it true???????
Sorry for the late reply… It’s very good that you are opting for this field as it has a lot of scope be it in India or any where in the world. Development is mandatorary and people need houses to live and work so we, architects, are in demand every time n hour… You go the course and don’t worry, if you work well you will definitely be rewarded back with ample work and money… Good Luck.
hello i am an architecture student the thing which bothers me lot is that i am not good in art and will it effect my future.
Not exactly.. you just need some creativity and rest all you can learn by the time you are out with your degree…
hello i am in great confusion which field is better civil or architect but my drawing in not good
Both the fields are good and have a great scope in present day and future. The difference lies in the functioning – Architecture is more of creativity and innovation of new ideas however civil engineering majorly deals with the technicality of each part…
Last passed 10th but my marks are nt good in math so can i get admission in arcitecture
U just need basic maths and nothing like professional mathematics.. There is no maths subject in architecture, its just a criteria for entrance exam…
My brother has just finished class X. I suggested him to take up diploma in architecture. My father wants him to do civil. Civil Engg literally hve higher opportunities bt architecture is a very interesting field. So my brother has to compromise on either of the two. Can a civil engineer move into designing in future ?
If you have some skills, you can do anything and I guess designing can also be done on later stages. Architecture and civil engineering has a lot of scope in present time due to infrastructure development.
i am an architect..complted in 2007…then i did a job for 6 months..due to some circumstances i couldnt continue my job…till today i hav not gained much practical experience, though my computer skills are quite good. Now again I want to get the experience…but now how can i continue after a gap..? archi outsoucing can be an option.?
It’s never too late to start… You just need to try in some offices, send your resumes and hope you get a job very soon.
Good Luck
its good for the beginners like me to get knowledge about arch but i din’t find that there is much escope for arch… how much they get there salary per month…………???
It depends upon your office and city in which you are practicing. In Delhi, you get a starting salary of 20,000 to 30,000 rupees per month and it increases as your experience increases…
what to do after 12 for pursuing architecture and is the average income in this field
You will have to clear the NATA test to pursue architecture….
Hello Sir,
I’ve passed my 12th board exam this year. I appeared in the AIEEE and my rank in b. arch is good. But some of my well-wishers are saying that there are less scopes in the field of arch. So I am very confused & want some suggestion about job opportunities in this field.
Architecture has an endless scope ‘coz people won’t stop making houses or other buildings to live and for that they need an architect… I hope u understand my point. Good luck
Thank u Sir..ur suggestion helped me a lot.This blog is just awesome.
Since i was 5 I always felt that i am born to b an architect bcoz of my gud aptitude & archi sense. But today i am one of those who go for btech even after having appreciable rank in aieee arch.
Just starting wid my college.
Being frank can u tell me how much u earn and ur way to today after completing studies.
Bcoz i hv a lot family problems & cannot afford to take any risk.
Architecture is more respectable job as compared to a btech engineer… But the only difference is that a fresh architect doesn’t earn much as compared to engineer but if u count on the experience basis, then thr is no limit of earning for an architect… Your earning depends on the amount of hard work and number of jobs u can handle…
If i’ll do b.arch from any college of haryana.,,can i get a good job and have a smooth future..??
Hey..nw m in 12…my final decision is to go for architecture..to built my dream world..but I have heard that it does not have much scope n
we cant get job easily….can u guide me about this..becoz m to confused…!!
You are in such an age where dilemma about your future happens quite often and it is very nice that you are opting a bit for Architecture as a career.
You must go through the report which I have published on site here – http://gees7.wordpress.com/category/counsellor-connect/
The profession is no doubt a bit though but it pays you allot in long run. The pays are also good and if you happen to open your own firm then nothing like that. You may earn as much as you want depending upon your capability.
Hope you have a clear idea after ready the articles. Good luck for your future.
which reference or books can i see more information about the scope of architecture
I don’t think there are any such books, but I guess you may refer the articles in journals and magazines / browse through the net.
Good Luck
i have finished my 12th class .. and i want to be an architect. I did a mistake of not giving the JEE paper 2 but i am preparing for nata .. will it offer me a good college ? i heard that a good college is provided if one qualifies JEE paper 2 .