Zero Energy Building: Concept and Features
Zero Energy Building, also known as NZEB (net zero energy building) or net zero building or ZNE (zero net energy) building, is a building with zero net energy consumption which means that the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site, or in other definitions by renewable energy sources elsewhere.

Various institutions and organizations have shown that transfer of heat to the duct can rob the cooling of air as much as one-forth of its capacity of cooling during the hot hours of the day. Low friction loss and the high air flow is allowed by over sizing the ducts.
The solar water heating system provides sufficient water required by the occupants. Its energy output is very high and may range upto a 3-kW PV system. Due to the combination of energy efficiency properties, it reduces the cooling loads so as to suffice the downsized air conditioner. The small size of such system is unusual for a large area or a large home. A 11% drop in usual operating efficiency can cost the system due to improper installing or management.
A thermostat that can be programmed is set so that the indoor temperature is allowed to increase overnight and while the house is unoccupied, reduces the hours of air conditioning consumption per day. Less use of air conditioner help in reduction of total consumption of electricity which in-turn lowers the cost.
Lighting and High energy-efficient appliances minimizes the electrical loads of the Zero Energy building. Less heat is released into the building by these lighting and appliances while they are operating. Hence, it decreases cooling load which is to be achieved by air- conditioning system of building. Less PV capacity required for the total electrical load of a home can be achieved by the use of smaller appliance, air- conditioning loads and lighting.
Features of a Zero Energy Building
- 3-kW solar water heater and solar panel
- White-tiled roofing system having an overhang of about 2’-9”
- Exterior insulation
- 5-kW utility PV system
- Heat insulation
- Over sized ducts
- Efficient refrigerator
- Advanced solar control windows having double glazing
- Efficient florescent lighting
- Programmable thermostat
Read more content on energy conservation at – https://archistudent.net/category/energy-conservation/