Thought for the day : Art and Architecture
“Art and Architecture”… Art is imagination, art is creativity. Art is not just concerned with aesthetic pleasure but it has had a profound influence on society since time immemorial. Art does not only involve paintings or sculptures, but also connects our subconscious and conscious worlds. It is a form of expressing our feelings. Art effects everything we do, from decorating our homes, to choosing the clothes we wear, and even the food we eat.* And above all, art is fully connected and involved with the stream of architecture. You can find it’s justification through the traditional buildings and memorials which follows the same principles of art as are used in architecture design. The formation of dome, it’s multiple spoke design, spiral arrangements are all a master piece of art. In early days, artist use to paint, make sculptures, evolve designs an get the construction done; take the example of Bernini, Da Vinci, Aristocrat….
An architect create various patterns which are nothing but a sort of painting. Flooring design, wall Decor, mural designs are all linked to creation of art. So, in the end what needs to be understood is that art and architecture are totally linked to each other and used in every part of life…
*youth incorporated magazine, Pg. 50