Solar Energy Devices
Solar Energy Devices: As the time is proceeding further, the demands for energy are increasing. This is not only causing the depletion of energy sources but also increasing the threat for the future generations. So it is very important to have a sustainable development by the means of renewable sources of energy like Solar Energy. Sustainable Architecture aims to create environment friendly & energy –efficient buildings. This entails actively harnessing Sun’s energy to do the daily work.
It’s the most readily available source of energy. It is also the most important of the non-conventional sources of energy because it is non-polluting and, therefore, helps in lessening the greenhouse effect. It can be put to great use in our day to day life vis-à-vis the use of Solar Devices. This energy is used for: Cooking/Heating, Drying/Timber seasoning, Distillation, Electricity/Power generation, Cooling, Refrigeration, Cold storage
Here is a presentation on the Energy Devices and there importance.
[embeddoc url=”https://archistudent.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/solar-devices.ppt” viewer=”microsoft”]
How can I make solar energy work cheaply-can I rig up a device to provide energy for electrical appliances?
I have heard it can be done with aluminum cans placed with glass and water. Seems like a great idea using solar anyone know more?
i live in the central part of india i want to install solar panels to genetate electricity for commercial use . will u pls tell me to how much minimum area is required to install solar panels to generate 100 kw of electricity. how much will it cost approximately?
Sorry mate, I hove no idea about the cost. You will have to contact an agency who install them.
to date, solar panels which generate more than 100Watts are still expensive but hopefully they are getting cheaper each day ”
i could only wish that solar panels cost only several hundred dollars, i would love to fill my roof with solar panels ~’;
solar energy was my project in std 6.it is also very cheap.
i am intrested in solar energy and i want to get a plant that can provide me energy for house use
Your decision about harnessing solar energy is very right. It is the time when we must try to use energy efficient technique to reduce the load on unconventional source of energy…
hi – i am pratik – and i am running a company where we are always trying to save earth .. we install solar panels wind mills and all types of non conventional energy resources – pls mail me if any one needs help .
pls tell some non conventional sources of energy that can be installed in neighbourhood