Help me choose a field in M.Arch
Question: I have completed my B.Arch with interior branch. Now I want to do M.Arch but am confused which field to opt for? Please Suggest.
Answer: Catering to the dwelling needs of fellow beings and creating structures that cater to individual needs, an architect is a designer, environmental expert, artist, visualizer and creator all rolled into one! Which other field blends art, science and technology and provides you the thrill of translating your dream design on paper into a grand reality?
In the two year M.Arch program, you can choose from the following specializations – Architectural Conservation, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture and Planning, Sustainable Architecture, and Construction Management. Your choice of specialization will depend on a combination of factors. First and foremost is your interest. Think of the subjects and assignments that you enjoyed and excelled in during your B.Arch. Also, consider your strengths and temperament and accordingly, your suitability for different specialization areas. Lastly, understand the kind of work each area entails, its future scope and quantitative and qualitative rewards.
Given your B.Arch specialization the most obvious choices would be to look at either Interior Design or Industrial Design. What I would really recommend is for you work for a year or two first, get a taste of the practical aspect of architecture, explore the future prospects in the different area, speak to senior architects and veterans in the field and then take a call as to your choice of specialization.
Source: The Tribune Jobs and Careers / Q&A, wednesday 30january2013