CONCURSO : 2018 A House for…
A House for…
Welcome to the sixth edition of CONCURSO : 2018 A House for… contest organized by Opengap, which invites participants to explore the limits and paradigms of housing design. To work on innovative and visionary proposals that in addition to responding to the basic program of a house, address the relationship of the client’s identity with the project.
Each participating team will propose the client for which to design a home, raising a character of interest and inspiration for the project.
The contest is aimed at all architects, design professionals, architecture students and interested people from anywhere in the world. Being able to present individually or forming teams of a maximum of 5 people.
The delivery consists of 2 digital panels in .jpg format with a maximum weight of 5 MB each.
– 1st Prize : 2000 Euros
– 2nd Prize : 1000 Euros
– 3rd Prize : 500 Euros
– Mentions : No economic remuneration
Closing of registrations : September 4, 2018
Delivery of proposals : until the 12 of September 2018
Publication of winning projects : October 2018
Payment of prizes : November 2018
– Registration price : € 90.00 + VAT (21%)
– Period 3 registration (from 06/07/2018 to 08/16/2018) : 90.00 euros
– Registration period 4 (from 17/08/2018 to 04/09/2018) : 110.00 euros
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