Training Program organized on Punjab ECBC
Punjab ECBC – Punjab Energy Conservation Building Code
One day capacity building training program on Punjab ECBC held on 12th February 2018 at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Welcome and opening remarks were delivered by Madam Meenakshi ji (HOD), Department of Architecture, GNDU followed by brief intro on the importance of Energy Conservation by Sh. Prof S.S. Behl, Dean Student Welfare, GNDU – Amritsar. Key Speaker of the event who elaborated on Punjab ECBC was Sh. Akshay Kumar Gupta, ECBC Master Trainer. Other dignitaries on the stage included Priyanka ji (Counsellor), Sh. Raminder Singh (PEDA) and Sh. Money Khanna.
Punjab Energy Conservation Building Code (Punjab ECBC) has been notified by the Department of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of Punjab which is now mandatory in the buildings, building complexes having connected load of 100kW or greater or a contract demand of 120kVA or greater or having conditional area of 500m2 or more.
For the effective implementation of Punjab ECBC, Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) with the support of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and UNDP as per UNDP-GEF-BEE Project has initiated the Capacity Building Training Programs which are being organized through Design2Occupancy Services LLP at various locations in the state of Punjab for all Urban Local Bodies, Department of Architecture and Town Planning, Improvement Trusts, Builders, Developers etc. PEDA officer in his address emphasized on the smooth implementation of the Punjab ECBC which will ensure construction of energy efficient buildings resulting reduction in electrical demand by 30-40% in the buildings. The building sector consumes about 40% of the total energy produced globally. India’s building sector consumes about 31% of the total energy production, as per the 2013/14 figures of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme implementation, Government of India. Out of this, about 9% is consumed by commercial buildings. Commercial buildings include offices, hotels, hospitals, retail outlets, educational buildings, government offices etc. Each commercial building would have a minimum connected load of 100Kw or contract demand of 120Kva. The total built-up area of commercial buildings is expected to touch 1.9 billion m2 by 2030 from the 2015 figure, a growth of three times! Seen in the context of the fast growing commercial building stock, the electricity consumption in this sector is set to reach unprecedented levels by 2030. The major fall out of such light level of energy consumption is the increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from this sector. With about 1 billion m2 of commercial buildings yet to be built, there is huge potential of energy consumption.
Department of Local Govt. vide notification dated 19.12.2016 notified “The Punjab Municipal Green Building Incentives Policy – 2016” Green Policy & provided incentives of 15% rebate in property tax for Punjab ECBC Compliant Buildings. In addition, they have provided 5% Extra FAR free of cost for construction of green buildings (GRIHA, IGBC & LEED).
Department of PWD B&R Constituted a committee of Chief Engineers / Chief Architect to put forward the ways and means for smooth implementation of Punjab ECBC Completely and collectively.
Common Building Bye-Laws 2017 are being drafted by Department of Housing & Urban Development where provision of Punjab ECBC are being included for further reference of implementation of Punjab ECBC in the state.
Department of Housing & Urban Development vide Notification No. 25.10.2013 amended building bye-laws and made provisions for use of Punjab ECBC while approving building plans and construction of buildings. They have provided an incentive of 50% refund on building scrutiny fees on completion of buildings for use of Punjab ECBC. In addition, 5% extra FAR free of charges shall be permissible to the eco-friendly buildings (GRIHA).
This training programme has been attended by most of the Govt. Departments, Architects, Builders, Hotel Facility staff, Institutions from Amritsar. The target and objective of such training programmes is to achieve energy conservation in buildings and to create ECBC Professionals in the state of Punjab.
For more information on purpose of Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC), follow the link – https://www.archistudent.net/purpose-of-energy-conservation-building-codes-ecbc/
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